Blog Entries
Got Toilet Paper?
The Corona virus pandemic is dominating headlines all over the world and it seems there is no other topic anyone is talking about. Daily updates on the number of cases are as ubiquitous as the number of opinions on the correct way to deal with this crisis. This post is not one of them, but rather contains some general observations about current developments.
The Making of a Blog (Part II)
In this second part of Making a Blog, I go through the actual set-up of a website with Jekyll, as well as deploying it on GitLab pages. If you’re interested in the why I chose these two tools, have a look at Part I, otherwise, if you just want to get things up and running, read right on.
The Making of a Blog (Part I)
I wanted to set up a blog since quite some time and now it’s finally here. In this post, I go through the various steps and decisions that were involved in the process and some insight into my reasoning. Basically, it’s about all the things you have to think about before you start building you blog.